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Frequently Asked Questions

To whom does the InterLAN interconnection platform address? The InterLAN Internet Exchange interconnection platform addresses any entity who owns a data network and who is interested in interconnecting with the other networks on the platform. They can be dixed and mobile Internet access service providers, network operators, content service providers, social media platforms, educational networks, […]

InterLAN Internet Exchange hosts the seventh regional reunion

Next year, InterLAN Internet Exchange will host the seventh regional reunion of network operators in South-East Europe. The RIPE SEE 7 regional reunion will take place next year between 18 and 19 June in Timișoara, the event being organized by RIPE NCC. The announcement was also made through two press releases in publications such as […]

A new Point Of Presence in InterLAN

InterLAN continues national expansion. Starting with 22 June 2017 InterLAN inaugurated a new POP in Arad. Cobranet and Cnetwork are connected there and they become traffic partners in InterLAN Internet Exchange.

The Microsoft – Accelerate Your Business conference

The Interlan Association takes part in the “Microsoft – Accelerate Your Business” conference at the Ramada Nord Hotel, Bucharest.

The “RIPE SEE 6” reunion

Between 12 and 13 June 2017 , the delegation of the Interlan Association takes part in the “RIPE SEE 6” reunion in Budva, Montenegro. The reunion encourages cooperation between operators from countries in the region and continues to support Local Internet Registers (LIR).

The “RIPE SEE 74” reunion

Between 8 and 12 May 2017, the RIPE 74 reunion is organized in Budapest, Hungary. The Interlan Association is attending this event as a RIPE member, which stretched over five days and contains presentation sessions, tutorials, as well as socialization meetings.

The 30th EURO-IX Forum takes place in Barcelona

Between 9-11 April 2017, the delegation of the Interlan Association takes part in the works of the 30th Forum of the Euro-IX organization, taking place in Barcelona, Spain. During the works of the European Forum, the participants will see presentations for technical solutions and new technologies and will discuss about common collaboration projects.

“CEE Peering Days 4”

Between 21 and 13 June 2017 , the delegation of the Interlan Association takes part in the „CEE Peering Days 4” conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event includes presentations and related discussions, as well as a RIPE workshop.

InterLAN Internet Exchange reached a new historical peak

InterLAN Internet Exchange reached a new historical peak of 113 Gbps.

The Interlan Association took part in the reunion of the ANCOM Advisory

The Interlan Association took part in the reunion of the ANCOM Advisory Board where the ANCOM 2017 Action Plan was discussed and adopted.