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Medika TV is available via multicast stream on the Interlan TVX Platform

Medika TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

Aleph News is available via multicast stream on the Interlan TVX Platform

Aleph News has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

Autentic TV is available via multicast stream on the InterLAN TVX Platform

Autentic TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

Metropola TV is available via multicast stream on the InterLAN TVX Platform

Metropola TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

InterLAN Internet Exchange hosts a server! is a global network of servers designed to test the speed of Internet connections. Millions of tests are performed daily on different servers provided by third party operators – internet service providers, hosting providers etc. Starting with July 15, InterLAN Internet Exchange provides a Speedtest server located in Bucharest, with a 10 Gbps connection. Users […]


Between 12 – 14 May 2020 takes place the RIPE 80 online event organized by RIPE attended by Eric Băleanu and Angela Stănescu on behalf of InterLan Internet Exchange. The event brings together Internet service providers (ISPs), network operators and other stakeholders from around the world. The Interlan delegation participates in the 3 days of […]

History TV HD is available via multicast stream on the Interlan TVX Platform

History TV HD has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

IDA TV is available via multicast stream on the Interlan TVX Platform

IDA TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform. The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.

Nanog 78

Between 10-12 february 2020, InterLAN attends the NANOG 78 which takes place on San Francisco, California. NANOG brings together operators from all over the world and through this meeting they offer multiple ways to meet and learn from other professionals working in your field share the latest Internet technologies and industry best practices and form […]

S3 Company becomes a traffic partner in Interlan Internet Exchange.

S3 Company becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN Internet Exchange. S3 Company is a young company made up of specialists and engineers with many years of experience in building telecommunications services and infrastructure who can provide integrated solutions, encompassing communications, infrastructure, equipment, data protection and management, as well as system and IT support.