The Interlan Association is invited to the debate about copyright on the sole digital market organized by the Committe for Information and Communications Technology at the Romanian Parliament.
Between 6 and 7 March 2017, the delegation of the Interlan Association takes part in the PLNOG 18 event in Warshaw, Poland. Each year, the event manages to spike the attention and interest of local operators, with a constant succes across all its editions. becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN.
Data ZYX becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN.
InterLAN Internet Exchange reached a new historical peak of 113 Gbps.
Phoenix NAP becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN.
On 12 January 2017 the “Internet New Year 2017′” takes place, an event organized by ISOC (Internet Society) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in which the Interlan Association takes part, as well.
Facebook becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN.
Tonight, InterLAN Internet Exchange, the largest Internet Exchange in Romania xceeded the 100 Gbps total traffic peak threshold.
The Interlan Association took part in the reunion of the ANCOM Advisory Board where the ANCOM 2017 Action Plan was discussed and adopted.