Blizzard Entertainment becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN Internet Exchange. Blizzard Entertainment is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software. The company became one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. By focusing on creating well-designed, highly enjoyable entertainment experiences, Blizzard Entertainment has maintained an unparalleled reputation for quality since its inception.
TVSAT Media Group becomes a traffic partner in InterLAN Internet Exchange.
Asociatia Interlan together with ANISP, organized a press conference related with NETCITY Project in Bucharest.
The talks and debates were conducted by both president of the associations, Eric Andrei Baleanu (Asociatia Interlan) and Catalin Cuturelea (ANISP) along with other representatives of telecom industry: Dan Georgescu (Counselor of the Minister of Communications and President of AOTR – Association of Telecommunications Operators in Romania), Mihai Constantin (AOMR – Association of Mobile Operators in Romania), Marian Bumbar (General Counselor, Member of the Public Utilities Committee), Tiberiu Gîndu (ANISP, Executive Director) as well as other representatives of network operators.
During the conference, the representatives of the operators complained that the failure to comply with the legal conditions regarding the implementation of the ANCOM Opinion issued in 2013 for the metropolitan Netcity network and the carelessness of the national regulator of telecommunications (ANCOM), which faild to issue a decision in this respect two years ago, lead to the extinction of the small and medium-sized operators on the market and, implicitly, the disappearence of competition with direct negative effects on end-users.
Eric Andrei Băleanu stated that 10 years ago Romania was placed first in Europe and on third place in the world at Internet connection speeds, and in the present days we are currently out of the top 10. Nicolae Căpuşeanu (Dynamic Distribution) and Adrian Calineata (Pronet Soluții IT) pointed out the problems faced by small operators in relation to Netcity, and how this non-compliant project threatens their bankruptcy business.
More details you can find here:
InterLAN attends „Enhanced National Cyber Security Services and Capabilities for Interoperability”, the first workshop organized by Romania National Computer Security Incident Response Team at Ramada Hotel, Constanta. The event focuses on the technical development for The National Cybersecurity Services Platform, an open running project. The project aims to ensure the interconnection of CERT-RO and other national cybersecurity capabilities and services with the EU cooperation mechanisms and core service platform, facilitating an efficient information sharing and incident management at the national and European level.
During the workshop more than 40 representatives from the public, private and academic environment will talk about issues related to launching the platform and facilitating technical discussions from the development stage so that the most appropriate solutions are implemented.
InterLAN is hosting the 7th regional RIPE SEE Meeting in Timișoara, Romania. The agenda consists of two days of tutorials, presentations and discussions about security, IPv6, BGP, routing, peering new Technologies, GDPR, data protection.
InterLAN became an authorized RoTLD partner and implemented the .ro domain management system, the application is available here
RIPE 76 Meeting takes place between 14 and 18 May, in Marseille, France. InterLAN delegates attends RIPE 76 and participates during 5 days of presentations, tutorials, workshops and open discussions.
InterLAN Internet Exchange will host the seventh regional meeting of network operators in Southeast Europe. The regional meeting RIPE SEE 7 will be held from June 18th to 19th in Timişoara, the event being organized by RIPE NCC. Register here. Over the course of the two days, Internet service providers, network operators and other industry stakeholders meet to discuss the policies and procedures for allocating and managing Internet numbering resources as well as other technical issues. Participants have the opportunity to share their own experiences with the use of the latest technologies and have the opportunity for new partnerships with the other present entities, during the presentations and social events organized at the event. More details can be found here.
InterLAN attends the “Ziua Comunicatiilor 2018” conference, which is held at the JW Marriott Hotel and brings together top representatives of public institutions in the telecommunications sector, telecom operators, IT & C companies and other providers of electronic solutions for telecommunications. InterLAN supports together with other telecom associations this year’s edition of “Ziua Comunicatiilor 2018”.
InterLAN attended “DataCenter Forum 2018” at Willbrook Platinum Center. The topics of the conference includes analyzes and debates on the current situation of the local market, both from the perspective of ongoing investments and the challenges that industry is going through.