Aleph News has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform.
The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.
Autentic TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform.
The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.
Metropola TV has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform.
The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here. is a global network of servers designed to test the speed of Internet connections. Millions of tests are performed daily on different servers provided by third party operators – internet service providers, hosting providers etc. Starting with July 15, InterLAN Internet Exchange provides a Speedtest server located in Bucharest, with a 10 Gbps connection. Users who want to test the connectivity with InterLAN Internet Exchange platform can select the InterLAN server from the list of available servers on If the InterLAN server does not appear on the list, it can be searched and selected manually.
How fast is your internet? Test your internet speed on!
The time servers read the real time from a reference clock and distribute the information further through computer networks, which can be local or public. The protocol used to distribute and synchronize time on the Internet is called NTP (Network Time Protocol). Starting with 10 July InterLAN hosts an NTP public server, available on both IPv4 and IPv6 internet addresses. More information about the can be found at
On May 14, 2020, the event “Online Trust and COVID-19: What’s next for Encryption in Europe?” takes place with the participation of Angela Stănescu on behalf of InterLAN Internet Exchange. This global webinar series featuring world-leading security and technology experts explore how encryption is a critical tool helping people and countries navigate a global health crisis.
More details about the event here.
Between 12 – 14 May 2020 takes place the RIPE 80 online event organized by RIPE attended by Eric Băleanu and Angela Stănescu on behalf of InterLan Internet Exchange. The event brings together Internet service providers (ISPs), network operators and other stakeholders from around the world. The Interlan delegation participates in the 3 days of presentations, tutorial sessions, workshops and free discussions.
More details about the event here
On May 7 takes places the ISOC Informal Chat on the topic: «Privacy issues in the aftermath of Covid-19» and the InterLAN Internet Exchange delegation, Angela Stănescu, Eric Andrei Băleanu and Cristian Copcea takes part of the event.
Speakers and participants discussed issues relating to privacy, security, trust, and the technical solutions proposed for tracking and tracing Covid-19 contagion.
More detail about the event here.
History TV HD has become available via multicast streaming on the InterLAN TVX platform.
The complete list of TV channels available on InterLAN TVX Platform can be found here.
On 29 april 2020 takes places “ICOMM 2020: Fostering Infrastructure and Technical Communities”, an event organized by the Internet Society, attended by Angela Stănescu, InterLAN Internet Exhange. InterCommunity is a way for the Internet Society community to connect, and to provide a space for discussion of the issues most relevant to people.
More detail about the event here.